Wednesday 23 May 2012

Scones for Tea

Where shall we go for tea? The question we always ask and never got tired of. What shall we have for tea? I call it our leisure time. Leisure is perhaps as important as work. When we work continuously for several hours we feel very tired. After a little relaxation, we can work more energetically and efficiently. Regardless of whatever work you are doing, tea break is a good thing if it is not abuse. I am a scone freak and so is my good friend Lucy. It has been the norm these few weeks to have tea and maybe a good plate of scones over at her place.  This is the time of day when we had the update of our daily activity.  Scone has been the most frequent tea item; it is fast and easy to whip up. Here I would like to share my recipes. There are two scones recipes, Simple Scone and Rolled Oat Scone.

Simple Scone
200g Self Raisin Flour
¼ Tsp Salt
50g Brown Sugar
50g Butter
45g Cream
50g Dried Cranberries
50g Almond Strips
A Little Flour for Dusting
1 Egg
1 Egg Yolk for Brushing

In a big bowl, sift the flour. Stir in the salt and sugar.  Dice and blend in the butter until mixtures resemble fine breadcrumbs.  Add the cream and egg. Add the dried cranberries and almond strips. Use your fingers to mix the contents to soft but not sticky dough. Add a little flour if it’s sticky.
Turn dough onto a floured surface, knead quickly, and do not over mix. Roll out and use a round cutter to cut into require thickness.
Place scones on tray lined with greaseproof paper, brush top with egg wash. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 Degree C. for 15 minutes or till golden brown.
Serve warm, can be kept in fridge for a week and heat it up when desired.

Add the Ingredients Accordingly.

Roll Dough onto Floured Surface.
Use a Round Pastry Cutter to Cut the Dough.
Place Scones on Baking Tray

Rolled Oat Scone
180g SRF
50g Rolled Oats
¼ Tsp Salt
50g Brown Sugar
50g Butter
1 Egg
35g Cream
25g Mixed Peel
25g Almond Strips
1 Egg for Brushing
Cold Water to Mix as and when necessary

In a big bowl sift flour, add the salt then diced in the butter, mix until crumbly. Combine the rolled oats, brown sugar, mixed peel and almond strips, add these to the flour mixtures. Pour in the cream and lightly beaten egg. Knead mixtures into soft dough. If it is sticky dust with a little flour.
Roll out onto a floured surface. Cut with round pastry cutter, arrange onto a tray lined with greaseproof paper. Brush top with egg wash and bake in a preheated oven at 160 Degree. C. for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm or keep in the fridge for 1 week and heat it when desired.

Petite Scones

Tea Break with Scones