Friday 25 May 2012

Mom's Cooking is the Best

I like good food so once a while when I go back home to mum’s place she will cook up a storm so to say! I always look forward to her cooking. In fact I have learnt so much from watching her in the kitchen conjuring her dishes that I now could also cook some of her delicious and unforgettable dishes. I remember when I was a teenager I always had my birthday celebrated and she would cook five to six dishes and my friends would look forward to attend my birthday party. She stills cook nowadays but by special request as she could not bear to stand too long now because of her leg problem. Well mom thanks for all those years of toiling in the kitchen whenever there is a homecoming. You are the best!

Mouth Watering Home Cooked Food.

Lamb Chops.

Sweet and Sour Crabs hubby's Favourites

Mom's Delicious Spreads