Thursday 10 May 2012

Black and White Classic Movies

I can still remembered it vividly, when I was younger, my father came back from town and told my mom that he had ordered a 24 inches television set for the family. Everyone was so excited and could not believe it, wow! our own t.v.? How lucky  we were at that time? not every family could afford that. It cost quite a bit too. I think we were the first family to have a t.v. in that town. Television has just made an entry into our country and the broadcasting of t.v. programmes were few. I remember the radio television station broadcast for only twice a week.

The programmes televised were mostly cowboys series, we got to watch The Rifleman, The Twilight Zone, Petticoat Junctions and some classic movies like A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Then there was this epic magnificent movie which had left a great impact on me, The Green Dolphin Street. At that time movie was shown the full length almost 3 hours long, no censored unlike now. Then there was Romeo and Juliet starred Leslie Howard as Romeo, brilliant movie. MayTime is another of my favourite and of course  Gas Light with beautiful Ingrid Bergman.

Well, one must not deprives him or herself of any pleasure in life if you feel like watching a classic movie after reading this article or feels curious whether it is your taste or not, why not give it a try. There are many of it on You Tube and the other source is the Internet Archives , TCM or Turner Classic Movies or you can buy it online  or at your video shop.

Below are the links to some of the above video trailers

The first tv we had.