Tuesday 8 May 2012

Classic books


Old Picture Book of Scotland
However strange, however gothic that may sound, I actually still have fond memories of the old stories and readers book that I used to read during my younger day. Why you may ask? Well, because we should not think that whatever we have read or done is past and that we need not be concerned about it. Some may think so otherwise, but I am kind of a sentimental being and because of that it is delightful to look at and call back to the mind our childhood pleasures. I have compiled a few classic books that I still hold dearly to this day. The book which enables me to see the beauty of the world when I was young was this tattered old book which my father got as a compliment from the purchase of Whisky. First published in 1952 by Country Life Limited, Tavistock Street London W.C.2 printed on the book as “With Compliments, John Dewar & Sons Ltd”. It is a picture book of Scotland country life and it has beautiful pictures.  When I had an opportunity to visit Scotland in my adult life, the scene I saw while there, is like a time capsule, still look exactly the same as in the book. That was why I treasured this old book.
The next precious book to me was Uncle Arthur’s Bed Time Stories. As we were growing up, these were the few bed time stories book that we had and we used to read it repeatedly. I still had it and sometime I still read it and now my son reads it too. Truly wonderful stories of how things can be accomplished by prayer.
Likewise I also enjoyed reading Science through the Year by Craig Daniel. The other evergreen stories were The Wind in the Willow by Kenneth Grahame. I remember reading it every day when we were young captivated with the mouse and the winter scene. Well, I am of the opinion that a glance at all these old books still gives us delight and if we continue to appreciate it ,it  will undoubtedly double the delight, in the end we will just have to make it into collectibles and stash it back onto the shelf.

Collections of Old Story Books.