Monday 14 May 2012

Pine Tree

I have a special attraction for pine trees, ever since from young I have associate this tree with the Christmas seasons. I like the pleasant smell of the pine leaves and also for the simple thing that it produces pine cone. I remember very well that I use to collect all the pine cones at the family home. My dad  planted the trees along the border of the fence . At that time  he over look the fact that it can grow  very tall indeed, and a few time some of it were even strikes by lightning. Pine cones were crafters favourite and I know I am one of them. I even spray paint some of my cone collection. You can spray it with any colour you like; I usually spray mine in gold. I have some bigger size cone given by a friend who brought it back from New Zealand and I made it into Christmas craft with red ribbon.

Pine Trees at the gateway of the family home

Tall Pine Trees

Pine Cone I like to pick!

Cones that I have collected