Wednesday 9 May 2012

My Family Garden

Today I will  post some pictures of flowering plants which I think are beautiful  and if you got no time to go out there and enjoy God's artistic masterpiece meaning the  beauty of nature, well then,  its time to take a break. The sight of a lively garden is always very refreshing and you'll experience renewed zest and vigour, now who wouldn't want that?

 These pictures were taken from my family garden which is 5 acres of beautiful flat land. Mum like gardening and she has got green fingers. Her collections of plant ranges from the commonest to the exotic looking type like the orchids. Whenever I visit her I like to walk around the garden to snap photograph of all the blooming plants. There was always some beautiful flower in full bloom with amazing colours.

Plants of all types

Pink Dahlia

Marigold grew abundantly

Red Amaryllis

Tropical Plants

These are plant and flower in my family home garden. Awesome!