Thursday 21 February 2013

Heartening Cornish Pasty

I am in the mood for food these few days and after much thought , I found that I am craving for a heavenly buttery Cornish Pasty. I set out to make some and even though this is the first time I am making it  I am pleased with the result. I wanted it to be delicious and thought provoking when I intend to eat it, so I make sure that the filling is nice and juicy. My own concoction of sliced chicken meat, potatoes, cubed carrots and season it with oyster sauce and dark soya sauce. Well it turns out yummy. I read that Cornish Pasty originated from Cornwall, England. Here we have a slightly different type of pasty we called Curry Puff, it's made with different type of pastries. The first time I saw a Cornish Pasty it look so huge. It can be a meal by itself because of its  meat and vegetable fillings and size. I am heating up one in the oven now and later I am going to indulge in it.

Delicious Cornish Pasty

This one made with Beef Filling

Here, a different types of Pasty, smaller in size