Wednesday 31 December 2014

A Visit to The Natural History Museum, South Kensington, London.

During our recent trip to the UK we managed to spend some time visiting the Natural History Museum in South Kensington. Unlike our previous visits, (this was the fifth visits), there was a long queue outside the main entrance this time. Many visitors were from the E.U. Anyway the visit was worth it as there are so many interesting things inside that you can see and learn. Definitely a day is not enough to go through all the amazing discoveries there. Here is some pictures I took, look at the awesome architecture of the majestic building.

The Queue to go in to The Natural History Museum, London
Inside The Majestic Building of The Natural History Museum,
South Kensington, London.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Christmas Markets in England December 2014

This Christmas season I visited a few Christmas markets in England, my favourite one is in Edinburgh. I guess it’s because the market is very easy to stroll through and it was not as crowded as the one in Hyde Park, London. I ended up buying quite a few wooden ornaments which I like very much. We also tried out the various European Christmas foods. The Christmas market in Edinburgh is a plus point because of its location, it is near The Waverly Train Station, and the background is the stunning Edinburgh Castle and it is right in the heart of town, Prince’s Street in front and Prince’s Garden is where the Christmas market was.
Below is the Christmas market in Hyde Park, London.

Friday 26 December 2014

Winter Plant In England

The winter garden in England is quite bare compared to other seasons, but still I find it very interesting to explore on the cold winter day. I took this opportunity to walk around and observe what plants can survive the cold weather and also to see the condition of the garden. We came across this beautiful red berry plant and it does remind me of the Christmas season and the other picture is what most gardens look like at this season, still there is some greenery to be enjoyed. These pictures were taken in the Country Park of The Pollok Garden, Glasgow, Scotland.

Beautiful Winter Berry Plant

Overgrown weeds at The Pollok Garden in Winter

 Trees in Winter

Wednesday 12 November 2014

It's that Time of the Year Again

It’s that time of the year again; as I stroll along the city centre I can see those lovely Christmas trees and ornaments slowly making its appearance. I am feeling the holiday mood once again and it is an exciting feel. The earlier window display that caught my eyes was this awesome and attractive snow dog at the Ralph Lauren store. I really love the furry snow dog. As usual I’ll be looking out for any nice Christmas display to add to my collection of pictures that were ever growing.

Christmas Window Display at The Ralph Lauren Store,
Beautiful Snow Dog.

Spotted this Beautiful Tree Trunk at one of the Malls.

Home Cooked Meal

 I really love a home cooked meal, my sister Veron always sends me pictures of what my mom cooked at home when they are having their meal. I t makes me homesick to see all those lovely tempting dishes that my mom prepared though it is simple but hey, I grew up with it and still wanting more! Anyway, I should instead feel grateful to be able to see what is going on during meal time over at my mum’s place, thanks to ‘Whatapps’, make video and pictures sending affordable.

Rice Vermicelli With Tasty Fish Soup

Meat Dumpling Soup

Sunday 26 October 2014

Fruit and Plant

The rambutan tree in my family garden  bears abundant fruits this year, my sister Veron reminded me and she send this lovely picture and another picture of a plant with fan like flowers, she said flower from our younger day, sure brings back fond memories of that time. I have some firm favourites from the time we were growing up but it’s difficult to see some of those familiar things now like I remembered a plant with deep purple flowers growing wild along the gravel road, we used to pick the flowers and play with it and it will stain the fingers purplish. There used to be a few hibiscus trees planted near our house when we were growing up, we would pick the leaves and pretend that it was money and the hibiscus flowers would bloom throughout the year. The Japanese used the flowers to make drinks with honey. I wished I would have known about such thing during those times.

Rambutan Tree Bearing Fruits

Plant With Fan like Flowers

Saturday 18 October 2014

Make Every day Count

I was just sitting here and thinking of what topic to write on my blog today and this quotation came to mind, “make every day count”. It does make sense of course as we tend to take every day for granted. I begin to ponder about what I have done to make it count, then I realised that yeah, my life apart from taking an early break from serious work has been very much enriching, at least to me, for I never ceased to do the things that I love to do. In my little way I pursued my pass time hobbies, and I realised that I can never be bored since I always have something in mind to do and now I am leisurely dong painting. Making each day count doesn’t have to be achieving the greatest thing but doing the things that you want to do and not procrastinates about it. Below are some of my painting done in acrylic.

My Christmas Painting of a Cardinal Bird

Painting Relaxes My Mind
Winter Cabin

My Favourite Flower, Hydrangea

Friday 3 October 2014


My hobby has evolved from decoupage to painting now. I couldn't help myself from taking up the brushes and start to paint a five petal flower and then to my favourite flower, the hydrangea. It was daunting at first and after a week practice, I feel more confident to paint it on the so many left over tiles lying on my kitchen cabinet. It was difficult to paint on a shiny surface but then I learn that you need to prime it first and that’s exactly what I did with “gesso”. I use Reeves acrylic artist paint which I find easier to use, I also alternate it with Martha Steward Acrylic paint. Painting had a feeling good effect on me, as I paint I feel so much more relaxed and happy. 

A Grapevine Painting
My Favourite Hydrangea Painting
Painting Roses and Buds

Sunday 21 September 2014

A Victorian Flower Album Book

Just the other day I went to my regular book store to purchase a book on plant and flower. This particular bookshop sells new and old books; the old books were mostly imported from the UK. I wasn't sure whether I would find anything that is worth buying when this old worn book caught my eyes. A Victorian Flower Album and as I turned the pages my enthusiasm grew with each page, it is just what I wanted to be able to see and read and paint if I needed to by referring to it. It was actually a flower album compiled by Mr. Henry Terry in 1873 for his children, Emily, Annie and Harry. A publisher chanced upon it and published it into a book.

The Old Book Which I Bought was actually A Victorian Flower Album
By Henry Terry
Beautiful Water Color Painting of Various Flowering Plant

Thursday 11 September 2014

Purple Roses

I had this bouquet of flower that I had arranged a few months ago and I thought it needed some spicing up. I went down to my favourite store and though I feel that what they sell is kind of expensive, I did buy three sprays of purple roses. As I added it to my bouquet, I was kind of surprised it blended in quite nicely. I kind of grow fond of it again. I am glad I went to the shop and bought the purple roses.

My Special Bouquet With purple Roses
My Favourite Hydrangea Flowers

Addictive Decoupage

I have been preoccupied with my new found craft recently, decoupage, once started it is very addictive and I found myself doing it almost every time that I am free. I have also learnt how to paint wood and sand it. I feel euphoric to be able to do it as it can really relax one's mind and be disciplined. I guess I will continue doing it as I really like the way it turns out, pretty and vintages.

Here are some of my Decoupage Items I 'd made;

I am trying to decoupage this tray with this spray of flower

Pretty and Awesome things I have made

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Vintage Decoupage

After so long on hiatus, I have recently felt that I need to do some crafting. I decided to take on how to decoupage. It is actually quite easy, as easy as cut and glues your paper or any item on a surface and of course you need to use the correct medium to achieve this. I have decided to decoupage a nice cute looking bottle. On the clean bottle, I use Reeves acrylic water base paint, pale olive in Matte. I decoupage a pinkish looking flower and it came out looking vintage! Just the colour I want to achieve. Looking over my desk, I still got a few more items to decoupage, as once you started, it can get really addictive.

Clean bottles to decoupage with the correct medium
Vintage look decoupaged bottle
Decoupage can be addictive

Monday 18 August 2014

Tea - Time at the Inn and Miss Marple

At last I got the opportunity to write something that I am passionate about , I also had this book that I bought in 1993 at Hatchard Piccadilly, London entitled “Teatime- at the Inn” by Gail Greco.  This interesting book tells of the countless Country Inns across America and the tea services that they provide to travellers. The pictures were beautifully illustrated and I like to read it from time to time and reminisce about visiting at least one of those Inns one day. This book also includes some of the Inns best recipes. Anyway having said that, my sister in law is in Melbourne now visiting the niece, Christina and she sends me pictures of a tea house Named Miss Marple at, 382 Mt. Dandenong. Who don’t know the famous sleuth Miss Marple of Agatha Christie, she was one of my favourite characters. I thought the place  was magical, the Colonial house and all. The trifles and brownie were mesmerising!

Tea - Book I bought at Hatchard, Piccadilly, London.
Beautifully illustrated with  Country Inns across America
and their favourite recipes

Below are some of the awesome pictures send by my sister in - law from Melbourne, Australia.

Miss Marple Tea House
English Trifles
Scones Served with home made jam and whipped cream
Brownie with cream

Monday 11 August 2014

Josie Rose Garden

Recently I had my sister Josie sends over these beautiful pictures of the roses she planted. I couldn't believe that she actually had lovely green fingers. Apart from roses, she told me she also planted some mangoes, pineapple and avocados in her garden. My sister Josie, if you don’t know her, she is a compulsive person who likes to spring clean her house every day. I cannot imagine the amount of time she spends on cleaning her place and garden. Anyway, she is a very accommodating person and she will go out her way to help you if she can. I am grateful to have a sister like her.

Beautiful Roses

A Joy to Behold

Monday 21 July 2014

Healthy Burger

I have been more conscious of my health and what I have been eating recently. I have no health problem as far as I know but I tend to eat outside more and that is another trend that I am worried about. My son Jonathan likes to eat his fix of MacDonald Double Cheeseburger at least fortnightly. I often time felt guilty if I were to have a whole burger at any one time thus I made my own burger, it’s as simple as what you see in the pictures. I use a tin of Cilio Barlotti bean you have to drain it, 3 pieces of crushed wholemeal vitabix, ½ Cup of Organic rolled oats, 1 eggs and 1 bombay Onion diced and fried till soft, a bit of seasoning otherwise it will be bland. Put everything into a blender and blend with no water added, it will be tough but as soon as it comes together you just take it out and bind with half cup to a cup of bread crumbs. If the mixture is too dry add in a bit of water. Heat a non stick pan with a little Olive Oil and fry each side till brown and there you have it, a healthy homemade burger to enjoy with wholemeal burger bun.

Crushed Wholemeal Vitabix and Organics Rolled Oats
Fry diced Bombay Onion
 From the Blender you will get this mixture
A Healthy Alternative Burger to Enjoy

Monday 7 July 2014

Nostalgia Shelf and Corners

I thought I would write something about the house we grew up in and the corner of the house that caught our attention always was this shelf, where we neatly arranged some of our displayed items. I am sure my siblings, when they see this, will bring back memories of us who need to take turns to dust the shelf. Unfortunately it was not a very clear picture but it is sufficient to feel the nostalgia. The next picture was of the turntable where we listened to countless good music. I can still recount the many cassettes that we use to arrange on the ledge of the wall. Each one of us like different singer, my brother’s  favourite was Mariah Carey , while Josie was more to Bonnie Tyler ‘Total Eclipse of the heart’  and Leo Sayer .For me it was more to the evergreen oldies and George Baker Selection and rod Steward. My sister Veron was of a different genre altogether I don't recall what she likes to listen to.

Nostalgic Shelf
Family Turntable and Collection of Cassettes
In Room Hand Pump Perfume Bottle

Wednesday 25 June 2014

A Face Mask

My son Jonathan recently bought an eccentric I would say face mask, it is one of those that stands out in a crowd and when I first saw it on television I wondered about its shape like how peculiar the eyes were and its shape as a whole. This mask I am writing about is V for Vendetta, now how cool the name sounded? But then Jonathan room is filled with his unique collections, allowing me to have a quick peep inside whenever I go in and put his clothes. Anyway, I know he has got a Jason mask somewhere and also a Witch hat at some point in time, I am sure I saw it the last time I spring clean the place.Anyway here are some pictures of the items.

V for Vendetta Mask Set

Glowing Witch Hat

Saturday 21 June 2014

Nine Grains Pancake

Lately I have been whipping up these pancakes, not just any others, because I also folded in some nine grains stuffs. It makes for a denser, chewy and crunchy pancake and it can be additive. I fried my batter on a non stick pan with a teaspoon of Olive oil. I add in some chopped pecan nuts and I like the taste of it. My batter base is wholemeal flour and some organic bran; it sure will supply my meal with some needed fibers. Furthermore you can easily find these stuffs in your pantry and when it is ready, you know that it is a healthier version than the normal pancake but you still can drizzle a small amount of your favorite syrup if you think it is way too bland I did add in some molasses sugar.

Nine Grains Batter
Fried in a Non Stick Pan With Some Olive Oil
Healthy Option
Make More Batter to Store in the Fridge

Monday 5 May 2014

Brunch in the City Hotel

Last weekend we were being invited by a good friend for a buffet hi-tea at one of the hotels in the city. Once in a while I do enjoy this kind of lunch or brunch buffet, as it serves the most varieties of food including coffee and desserts. It had an extensive salad bar which I feel very comfortable with despite the vast arrays of meats being served. I ended up eating most from the salad bar and I did enjoy the occasional meat because it all seems to be so delicious. Nothing can beat the dessert bar; I tried this nice black forest cake, and also the varieties of scones, they were moist and delicious eaten on its own. What about those beautiful to look at pastries? Yeah, those were very good too. Now it makes me want to pay it another visit!

A Rich and Delicious Black Forest Cake
Unbeatable Trays of Deliciously Baked Scones
These Pastries were so good