Monday 21 July 2014

Healthy Burger

I have been more conscious of my health and what I have been eating recently. I have no health problem as far as I know but I tend to eat outside more and that is another trend that I am worried about. My son Jonathan likes to eat his fix of MacDonald Double Cheeseburger at least fortnightly. I often time felt guilty if I were to have a whole burger at any one time thus I made my own burger, it’s as simple as what you see in the pictures. I use a tin of Cilio Barlotti bean you have to drain it, 3 pieces of crushed wholemeal vitabix, ½ Cup of Organic rolled oats, 1 eggs and 1 bombay Onion diced and fried till soft, a bit of seasoning otherwise it will be bland. Put everything into a blender and blend with no water added, it will be tough but as soon as it comes together you just take it out and bind with half cup to a cup of bread crumbs. If the mixture is too dry add in a bit of water. Heat a non stick pan with a little Olive Oil and fry each side till brown and there you have it, a healthy homemade burger to enjoy with wholemeal burger bun.

Crushed Wholemeal Vitabix and Organics Rolled Oats
Fry diced Bombay Onion
 From the Blender you will get this mixture
A Healthy Alternative Burger to Enjoy