Wednesday 20 August 2014

Vintage Decoupage

After so long on hiatus, I have recently felt that I need to do some crafting. I decided to take on how to decoupage. It is actually quite easy, as easy as cut and glues your paper or any item on a surface and of course you need to use the correct medium to achieve this. I have decided to decoupage a nice cute looking bottle. On the clean bottle, I use Reeves acrylic water base paint, pale olive in Matte. I decoupage a pinkish looking flower and it came out looking vintage! Just the colour I want to achieve. Looking over my desk, I still got a few more items to decoupage, as once you started, it can get really addictive.

Clean bottles to decoupage with the correct medium
Vintage look decoupaged bottle
Decoupage can be addictive