Saturday 21 June 2014

Nine Grains Pancake

Lately I have been whipping up these pancakes, not just any others, because I also folded in some nine grains stuffs. It makes for a denser, chewy and crunchy pancake and it can be additive. I fried my batter on a non stick pan with a teaspoon of Olive oil. I add in some chopped pecan nuts and I like the taste of it. My batter base is wholemeal flour and some organic bran; it sure will supply my meal with some needed fibers. Furthermore you can easily find these stuffs in your pantry and when it is ready, you know that it is a healthier version than the normal pancake but you still can drizzle a small amount of your favorite syrup if you think it is way too bland I did add in some molasses sugar.

Nine Grains Batter
Fried in a Non Stick Pan With Some Olive Oil
Healthy Option
Make More Batter to Store in the Fridge