Sunday 29 December 2013

Colourful Annuals

I have decided to post some pictures of the various flowering plants from my family gardens which were in bloom at this time of the year. I can’t help but feel elated when I stumbled upon all these beautiful plants upon returning home. These gardens almost always fascinate me no matter what the seasons are. This time there were a few white flowering plants which I thought stood out and it gives contrast to the other colours like the blue and pink flower. 
 Here are some of the amazing pictures taken by Jonathan recently in grandma’s garden.
Colourful Annuals

A Picture Speaks a Thousandth Word

Blue Morning Glory

White Amaryllis
 Nice White

Friday 27 December 2013

Morning Glory Plant

I had just got back from my holiday visit to my family home. This season my mom proudly showed me her big stock morning glory plant. She has got a beautiful blue and purple flower morning glory and a shocking pink morning glory in her garden. This is the first time I had ever seen a pink flower morning glory plant. It’s gorgeous and I instantly get attracted to it. The Plant twined onto the big coniferous tree in the garden.

Gorgeous Blue and Purple Morning Glory Plant
Shocking Pink Morning Glory Flower

Friday 6 December 2013

In The Mood For Christmas

Christmas mood is all around us, well at least to me. Jonathan and I have been gallivanting the town as usual at this time of the year to snap some photographs of the beautifully, some even magically decorated places to look like fairyland to add to our collections of the holiday season pictures. I like those mood instilling scenes and here I would like to share some of those photographs that we have taken. I like the berries Christmas wreath and the Christmas Cottage, it looks wintry with the snow capped Christmas trees.

Beautiful Christmas Cottage, Wintry Feel

Berries Christmas Wreath

Poinsettias Window

Wednesday 20 November 2013

A Thoughtful Gift, Vegetarian Fruit Cake

These few days I have been busy with my Christmas baking, I really like to bake especially at this time of the year where the holiday season is so much upon us. I have had fruit cakes baked and the multitude of cookies that I had decided upon to bake. At last I had all of it packed and ready to give as a gift to my family and friends. I had a friend who is a vegetarian and I have been meaning to chunk up something that I can give her, she like fruit cake but I have never bake a vegetarian fruits cake, it is easier say than done. After pondering it for a few days I decided to give it a try. So, came this fruit cake, it is Eggless, dairy free and I use wholemeal flour, vegetable oil and water to bake it, what a relief when it turns out nice and moist and most of all delicious. When I presented it to her she was so grateful and touched.

Wholemeal, Eggless and Dairy Free Fruit Cake

Wrapped as a gift

Chocolate Ball Memory

These Chocolate rounds shaped cookies brought forth memories of my primary school year. I was happily baking when suddenly I took a side glance at the chocolate ball that I had baked and reaching out to have a bite at it, I was once again transported back to the time when I was a mere 10 year old. I can still recall vividly in my mind, it was after class that as I was walking back home about a mile away, me and my friend stopped to pay a visit to my class teacher. It is a small town and her house was near the main road. We called on her and she invited us to come into her modest house. As a 10 year old child we were so touched and happy that she offered us her homemade chocolate ball or was it? I could not really remember the taste of it but it smelled and look like the chocolate balls I has just baked. I think I take two of it and then we started the long walk home. I still remember feeling rather bored and lazy as I had to drag myself to walk a mile to reach home, but that memory had since been etched in my mind and these lovely chocolate balls has a role to play!

Delicious Chocolate Ball With Raisins and Nuts

Monday 11 November 2013

Home Made Christmas Wreath

I like Christmas wreaths. I thought of buying a new Christmas wreath this year but as I went around shopping for it, I couldn’t find one that particularly attracted my attention and I also found out that this year the Christmas wreath is much more expensive. Anyway, I am not one that likes to sit around and so I thought to myself I better set out to make a wreath. When I was younger I had seen my nurse neighbour make a huge Christmas wreath from newspapers and cotton wool entwined onto a circle wire. She hung it on her front door and as we walked past her quarters we silently admired her stunning craftiness of the Christmas wreath. Toiled with that idea and so much more of the wreaths that I have seen through the years, I gathered up a few items and set out to make myself a Christmas wreath , not only I have managed to make one in less than ten minutes but had made three of it within less than an hour. What a feat as I set out uncertain as whether it will be successful or not. I must give myself due credit for having done it satisfactorily.
Items You Need To Make a Wreath, Garland, Cotton Wool, Glue , Ribbon and Round Wire

Entwine The Garland Around the Wire Until It Covers Completely

Add Christmas Ornaments and You Will See it Being Transformed into A Beautiful Christmas Wreath

White Christmas Wreath With Snowman

Ribbons Christmas Wreath With Green Crepe Paper


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Japanese Christmas Charity Bazaar

It’s that time of the year again, the most wonderful time of the year for me at least. After the long haul of the days and weeks and months, now we are near the end of another year. How is that? For some it is time well spend and yet to some the past months should have been spent wisely. I, on the other hand have mixed feelings about the things that I have done during these past months. Nevertheless time and tide wait for no man and we have to move on with time. That was why these two months are special to me because I intended to enjoy and do the things that I love to do and not to worry about anything, so to say! So for a start I have attended my first Christmas bazaar, the Japanese charity bazaar two weeks ago and this time I bought quite a few patchworks which I personally think were nice and handy and I bought these cute soaps which they made with Christmas motives. I can't wait to attend the many more Christmas Charity Bazaars around.
Patchwork Coasters, Tissues Holder and Snowman
Beautiful and Handy Patchwork Bag, Love this

Soaps With Christmas Motives


Tuesday 22 October 2013

Clam Craft

We had a scrumptious buffet at a leading five star hotel the other day. It served an abundance of seafood and among them was this clam. I had two of it and I couldn’t really tell whether I enjoy chewing on it or not but anyway, the clam shell was what intrigued me as I requested for it to be taken with me when I leave the hotel. They even wrapped it nicely for me. Then the fun begins, I knew I wanted it for my craft. Since it is wide enough to hold my rings and small items, I proceeded to spray paint it Ivory or white. I really like it as it is waterproof, I can now use it to hold small items or I can use it as a soap holder in the bathroom.

The Cooked Clam, the Shell is Awesome for Craft .Below as a Holder for my
Pen Drives or Soap, really like it


Wednesday 16 October 2013

Repurposed Cabinet Door into Clothes Hanger

I have been slow to update my blog because of the on going renovation we were doing to our house. Anyway, it is taking shape now and I am quite satisfied with the outcome. One thing came to mind when doing all these were the thoughts of recycling some of the bathroom cabinet doors. It is still in good condition and the wood was of high quality, thus it was hard and durable. I chose to turn it into a craft of sort, a cabinet door recreated into a clothes hanger or you can turn it into a jewellery display board. It is very easy to do it. I sand the wood panel and then I sprayed paint it with my favourite colour. I have a packet of IKEA white door knobs and I just screwed it into the drilled holes. I cut and glued my favourite wallpaper onto the middle portion and stencilled my name on to the top or you could add an inspirational quote if you like. Maybe my next project I am going to write some inspirational quotes or I will do a distressed wood work.

Used Cabinet Door

Sand  and Sprayed Paint it

Isn't it Beautiful? It Can Be a Clothes Hanger or a Displayed Jewellery Board

Sunday 22 September 2013

Baby Booties and Telletubbies Socks

Recently I was cleaning out my huge wardrobe in my master suite bedroom and I came across a box of Jonathan's baby booties, baby shirts and a Telletubbies socks. It brings back the names Laa Laa, Po, Dipsy and Tinky Winky . Telletubbies was the Children Television series he used to like and watch when he was younger . For awhile I was excited about the find and went on to see what else was inside the box and I decided to write something about it in my blog just in case I misplaced it and it’s gone from my memory. I still keep some of Jonathan baby things and I also found out that I still got his old toys and whatnot. It will be interesting to rampage through it. It feels strange to see how small all the shirts and booties were and now he has grown up. I do feel a bit of nostalgia if I were to throw it away, well I guess once again it goes into the box for keepsakes and this time for as long as I relish the idea of having it there.

Jonathan's Baby Booties and Telletubbies Socks

Zzzz Sweat Shirt So Cute

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Pendant Light

I have been busy these few weeks that explain my long hiatus in updating my blog. Busy because I was preparing to pack some of my house things so that the mini renovation can take place without a hitch. I am planning on renovating my master bathroom and the guest bathroom. Anyway recently I took up the courage to change most of my lightings and I am satisfied with the outcome. I have long liked the look of a pendant light especially those designs by Fumagalli Italy. It looks very nostalgic and it reminds me of the classic movie Gas Light.

Beautiful Pendant and Wall Lights at a Mall

Fumagalli Hexagonal Resin Pendant Light at the Balcony


Delicious Apple Pie

I was thinking of apple pie when I thought of a heavenly made dessert, it is one of my favourite desserts and it is also very easy to prepare. I like my apple pie with a dash of brown sugar and apricot jam, the taste is definitely delicious when eaten warm from the oven. When I prepare the filling I would boil the sliced apple till a bit soft and then just pour over my pre baked crust and put in the rest of the ingredients. Wash with an egg yolk on the pie crust and bake till brown 160Degree C for 25 minutes.

Pre Boiled Cubed Apples laden with Spices,
Cut Pastry

Baked Apple Pies


Sunday 18 August 2013

Sweet Pea Plant At The Pollock House,Glasgow

Sweet peas are classic plant and one of my favourite plants too. I first came across it in Scotland when we visited the Pollok House in Pollock Shaw. In the garden they planted these sweet pea plants and in the spring it flowered abundantly with beautiful colours and attractive scent. I have since then tried to plant it in a pot but never have had any luck with it. I even bought some package seeds when I revisited the UK. Anyway I have fond memories of it.
Bought This Package Seed From Yates, Beautiful bloom On Cover
Sweet Pea Garden At The Pollok House Glasgow, Scotland


Friday 16 August 2013

Dainty Cream Cheese Tart

I like to bake this dainty cheese tarts for any special occasions and it has never failed me. I had simplified the recipes and it is very easy to bake this.

For the Pastry shells you either make it yourself or store bought it.


Cream Cheese Tarts

Cheese tarts  and Lemon Tarts inside The Oven Baking

Pastry Ingredients:

250g butter

100g castor sugar

2 egg yolks

Approx. 500g all purpose flour

2 Tablespoons Water



Sift the flour into a big bowl. Add the sugar and butter. Cut in with a pastry blender or use hand to mix it until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in the egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of water, mix until it forms dough. Rest it in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 130deg.C.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough and cut into round shapes. Fill the tart moulds with the cut pastries and use a fork to make a few holes on it. Bake blind for about 10 minutes and let it cool before putting in the filling.



Dainty Cheese Tarts
250g Cream Cheese

50g Icing Sugar

25g Butter

1 Egg

Tablespoons Whipping Cream


250g Blueberry Paste



In a bowl, Cream the cheese, Icing Sugar and butter until light and fluffy.

Add the beaten egg and whipping cream, blend it well.


To Bake:

Spoon 1/2 Teaspoon blueberry paste onto baked tart shells and fill the rest with cream cheese filling.

Pipe a dot of blueberry paste onto each filled tarts and using a toothpick swirl it to make an attractive pattern.

Bake in a preheated oven at 130deg.C. or 10 minutes.

Take it out of the oven and cool it on a wire rack, it can be eaten cold or warm.

You can replace the cream cheese filling with lemon paste filling, it tastes just as good. Omit blueberry filling if using lemon paste filling.

This One With Sweet Coconut Flakes



A Birdie Came To Visit

I came home one day and as I opened my front door and walked into the hallway, I heard a flapping sound at the back of my kitchen. Having checked it out I found that a beautiful birdie has managed to fly in through the opened window. I and Jonathan were thrilled because of this unexpected visit, we went on to take several shots of it and it has been so tame as to just change its position as if wanting us to take its pictures. We did manage to take a few nice and striking pose. Jonathan said I should put it in a cage but I said let it go free and it is welcome to stay as long as it wants but it only wanted to stay for a few minutes before it hopped onto the window grill and allowed us to take a final picture of it and it fly away. I do hope it will come back to visit!
It Hopped onto my Kitchen Cooker Hood

Then It Posed a Striking Pose Showing off Its Long Beautiful Tail

One Final Pose On The Window Grill and It Flew Away!


Thursday 8 August 2013

Fondant Icing Flowers

When my husband’s niece got married, my sister in law requested me to bake a wedding cake for her. I was delighted to do it because I love baking and it gives me the opportunity to undertake this task of selecting what type of cake I wanted to bake and how to decorate it. Anyway in the future I will write and upload some pictures of the cake I have made for her. The point I wanted to write here was that these were the simple fondant icing flowers I made for the cake. These pinkish little flowers were easy enough to make, you just need to make your own fondant icing or just purchase it from the cake store and you will be ready to make it.

If you feel that it is no easy feat then I would suggest that the store bought marzipan will be quicker and easier.

Pretty Little Pinkish Flowers

Cutter That I Use

Here I decorated My Cup Cakes With It, Simple But Eye Catching

Saturday 3 August 2013

June Poems

Happiness is…..

When you learn to be competent without

Having to rely on others

When you have nothing to fear

About the things you thought you must have

But not able to have

No occurring thoughts of negativity

No fear of being inferior to others

No wholly unmanageable life’s task

Able to lead a blameless life



The saying goes…
Where there is a will
There is a way
If you want to accomplish something
You must be focused enough
To want to do it
That’s where your will and determination need
To surface itself and do the impossible task
And with sheer will and determination
What may seem impossible?
Will turn out to be easy to accomplish
So he who has a firm will
Definitely will be able to
Moulds the world to him or herself