Wednesday 20 November 2013

Chocolate Ball Memory

These Chocolate rounds shaped cookies brought forth memories of my primary school year. I was happily baking when suddenly I took a side glance at the chocolate ball that I had baked and reaching out to have a bite at it, I was once again transported back to the time when I was a mere 10 year old. I can still recall vividly in my mind, it was after class that as I was walking back home about a mile away, me and my friend stopped to pay a visit to my class teacher. It is a small town and her house was near the main road. We called on her and she invited us to come into her modest house. As a 10 year old child we were so touched and happy that she offered us her homemade chocolate ball or was it? I could not really remember the taste of it but it smelled and look like the chocolate balls I has just baked. I think I take two of it and then we started the long walk home. I still remember feeling rather bored and lazy as I had to drag myself to walk a mile to reach home, but that memory had since been etched in my mind and these lovely chocolate balls has a role to play!

Delicious Chocolate Ball With Raisins and Nuts

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