Sunday 22 September 2013

Baby Booties and Telletubbies Socks

Recently I was cleaning out my huge wardrobe in my master suite bedroom and I came across a box of Jonathan's baby booties, baby shirts and a Telletubbies socks. It brings back the names Laa Laa, Po, Dipsy and Tinky Winky . Telletubbies was the Children Television series he used to like and watch when he was younger . For awhile I was excited about the find and went on to see what else was inside the box and I decided to write something about it in my blog just in case I misplaced it and it’s gone from my memory. I still keep some of Jonathan baby things and I also found out that I still got his old toys and whatnot. It will be interesting to rampage through it. It feels strange to see how small all the shirts and booties were and now he has grown up. I do feel a bit of nostalgia if I were to throw it away, well I guess once again it goes into the box for keepsakes and this time for as long as I relish the idea of having it there.

Jonathan's Baby Booties and Telletubbies Socks

Zzzz Sweat Shirt So Cute