Wednesday 20 November 2013

A Thoughtful Gift, Vegetarian Fruit Cake

These few days I have been busy with my Christmas baking, I really like to bake especially at this time of the year where the holiday season is so much upon us. I have had fruit cakes baked and the multitude of cookies that I had decided upon to bake. At last I had all of it packed and ready to give as a gift to my family and friends. I had a friend who is a vegetarian and I have been meaning to chunk up something that I can give her, she like fruit cake but I have never bake a vegetarian fruits cake, it is easier say than done. After pondering it for a few days I decided to give it a try. So, came this fruit cake, it is Eggless, dairy free and I use wholemeal flour, vegetable oil and water to bake it, what a relief when it turns out nice and moist and most of all delicious. When I presented it to her she was so grateful and touched.

Wholemeal, Eggless and Dairy Free Fruit Cake

Wrapped as a gift

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