Wednesday 20 November 2013

A Thoughtful Gift, Vegetarian Fruit Cake

These few days I have been busy with my Christmas baking, I really like to bake especially at this time of the year where the holiday season is so much upon us. I have had fruit cakes baked and the multitude of cookies that I had decided upon to bake. At last I had all of it packed and ready to give as a gift to my family and friends. I had a friend who is a vegetarian and I have been meaning to chunk up something that I can give her, she like fruit cake but I have never bake a vegetarian fruits cake, it is easier say than done. After pondering it for a few days I decided to give it a try. So, came this fruit cake, it is Eggless, dairy free and I use wholemeal flour, vegetable oil and water to bake it, what a relief when it turns out nice and moist and most of all delicious. When I presented it to her she was so grateful and touched.

Wholemeal, Eggless and Dairy Free Fruit Cake

Wrapped as a gift

Chocolate Ball Memory

These Chocolate rounds shaped cookies brought forth memories of my primary school year. I was happily baking when suddenly I took a side glance at the chocolate ball that I had baked and reaching out to have a bite at it, I was once again transported back to the time when I was a mere 10 year old. I can still recall vividly in my mind, it was after class that as I was walking back home about a mile away, me and my friend stopped to pay a visit to my class teacher. It is a small town and her house was near the main road. We called on her and she invited us to come into her modest house. As a 10 year old child we were so touched and happy that she offered us her homemade chocolate ball or was it? I could not really remember the taste of it but it smelled and look like the chocolate balls I has just baked. I think I take two of it and then we started the long walk home. I still remember feeling rather bored and lazy as I had to drag myself to walk a mile to reach home, but that memory had since been etched in my mind and these lovely chocolate balls has a role to play!

Delicious Chocolate Ball With Raisins and Nuts

Monday 11 November 2013

Home Made Christmas Wreath

I like Christmas wreaths. I thought of buying a new Christmas wreath this year but as I went around shopping for it, I couldn’t find one that particularly attracted my attention and I also found out that this year the Christmas wreath is much more expensive. Anyway, I am not one that likes to sit around and so I thought to myself I better set out to make a wreath. When I was younger I had seen my nurse neighbour make a huge Christmas wreath from newspapers and cotton wool entwined onto a circle wire. She hung it on her front door and as we walked past her quarters we silently admired her stunning craftiness of the Christmas wreath. Toiled with that idea and so much more of the wreaths that I have seen through the years, I gathered up a few items and set out to make myself a Christmas wreath , not only I have managed to make one in less than ten minutes but had made three of it within less than an hour. What a feat as I set out uncertain as whether it will be successful or not. I must give myself due credit for having done it satisfactorily.
Items You Need To Make a Wreath, Garland, Cotton Wool, Glue , Ribbon and Round Wire

Entwine The Garland Around the Wire Until It Covers Completely

Add Christmas Ornaments and You Will See it Being Transformed into A Beautiful Christmas Wreath

White Christmas Wreath With Snowman

Ribbons Christmas Wreath With Green Crepe Paper


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Japanese Christmas Charity Bazaar

It’s that time of the year again, the most wonderful time of the year for me at least. After the long haul of the days and weeks and months, now we are near the end of another year. How is that? For some it is time well spend and yet to some the past months should have been spent wisely. I, on the other hand have mixed feelings about the things that I have done during these past months. Nevertheless time and tide wait for no man and we have to move on with time. That was why these two months are special to me because I intended to enjoy and do the things that I love to do and not to worry about anything, so to say! So for a start I have attended my first Christmas bazaar, the Japanese charity bazaar two weeks ago and this time I bought quite a few patchworks which I personally think were nice and handy and I bought these cute soaps which they made with Christmas motives. I can't wait to attend the many more Christmas Charity Bazaars around.
Patchwork Coasters, Tissues Holder and Snowman
Beautiful and Handy Patchwork Bag, Love this

Soaps With Christmas Motives