Wednesday 13 June 2012

Sketches of K Pop Idol and Misc. By Jonathan

I have kept most of my son’s Jonathan painting that he has done in his junior and secondary school years. I have always liked his work of art, he may not be a Van Gogh or Monet, but it is enough for me to enjoy what effort he has put into it. I have seen him doing sketches of his favourite Korean Pop Idol ever so patiently. I thought I could use it on my blog or even make a print out of it, this way I would be using my own material, no copyright issue would be involved. I would like to think that “Art makes a sorrowful experience beautiful and pleasant".

Art by Jonathan:

See more here..

A Popular Korean Pop Idol Choi Sulli.

Nuovo Car

A Bountiful Tray of Fruit

Sleek Machine

From My Kitchen: Oil Jar and Spice Jars

Spooky Forest

Beautiful Hibiscus Flower Print