Friday 1 June 2012

Josie's Cookery Book

Recently I visited my family home. I look forward to go back each time because I know that I can browse around the house to look for some familiar items to remind me of the good old time. I have been away from home for so long and come back only for short visits each time, this makes me want to connect more to my family home. As I browsed around for familiar things I suddenly saw this big cookery book being shoved into the rubbish collection corner. Looking at it I remembered it so well, it belongs to my youngest sister Josie. I took it and dusted it. This book was compiled by Josie; she painstakingly typed all the recipes and pasted it into this big book. The front and back covers were what attracted me most. It was pages from popular magazines and over time I look at it I feel compelled to thoroughly scan the recipes that were on the cover. It was attractive enough to warrant me to keep it. I do not know why she wants to throw it out; I asked my mum she said "your sister does not really bake and had no time for it". She actually typed all the recipes that were pasted inside and I think that this big and thick self made cookery book is definitely a keeper, so I am going to save it from destruction and put it back to where it rightfully should be, inside the house.

Attractive Front Cover.

Back cover, the Chocolate Cake Recipe of A Popular Brand.

Colourful Pages from Various Magazines Sources.

Typed Recipes Inside the Big Book.