Saturday 7 July 2018

Queen's Mary Rose Garden at Regent Park, London.

Last May 2018 I and Jonathan make plans to visit Regent Park. This park is one of the many royal parks right in the  bustling City of  London. We took the tube or Underground train to Regent's Park Station and then walked all the way to the park, which is quite a distance. It was around 10am when we reached the beautiful park. There were only a few people walking around and admiring the lush greenery and I saw a few joggers in the park oblivion to the visitors . We were elated to see the blooming plants and beautiful flowers and Jonathan started to be a Professional photographer with the Sony dslr Cam. We decided to walk over to the Queen's Mary rose garden which is a world renowned Garden, named after King George Fifth wife. It has the largest collection of roses in London. Well, as soon as we reach the Rose Garden the unpredictable weather of London decided to rain. Luckily I brought an umbrella along and all the time we were trying to take some pictures and videos in the rain. Despite of the rain we were determine to take some nice collection of pictures and we did managed to do just that. The varieties of roses just blew you away and the scented garden was really an enchanted place to be when you feel like you need a little fairy tale like place to immerse yourself into. It is a worthwhile beautiful garden to visit and to enjoy the beauty the Regent Park Garden has to offer.

One of the Famous Regent's Park Gates
Bushes of colourful Roses
Beautiful Roses