Monday 13 January 2014

A Treasured Friendship

I have been late in updating my blog but then there are so many things to be done and every day is as if I am procrastinating, I keep on telling myself I will do these and these tomorrow and then it will never be done. Out of all these at least some surprises sprung up and one of those was that, after all these years I finally got to meet my good friend Karina and family from Sydney. Now this is what I anticipated was a good Christmas surprise. We were out of touch for I think seven years and then she called me and gosh was I stunned and felt very happy that there was still this connection of friendship, Thanks Karina and Michael and your three beautiful daughters. It has been good to see you all again after all these years. Karina also gives me these gifts from Sydney, Australia, a set of table placemats and Coasters. I really appreciate the thoughtful gifts. Karina and I used to phone each other every day to share stories. They have three teenagers, a pair of girl twins and a daughter, Chelsea, who was born in the same month as Jonathan in July 1996.

Ashdene Placemat From Australia, a Gift from Karina and Michael

 A Treasured Gift of long Ago from Karina