Thursday 25 April 2013

Inspirational Quotation

I like to read and ponder on a good quote. I like mostly inspirational quotes, Sometime or most of the time poetic quotes is a revelation of someone else feeling on a particular event but somehow when we read it , we immediately felt that we can connect to those words and thus recognises the word as our own. When I was younger I have my own favourite quotes or poem to which I use to read and pondered upon and then tried to emulate it in my life. Funny how some quotes or poem can fit in one’s thought and emotion and that goes to show that everyone’s in certain areas of their lives thinks similarly or has gone through the same circumstances as we. Here are some of my favourite quotations;

When I Was In School This is My Favourite Quotation

I like What Cicero Depicted Memory as

This Was One of My Favourite Quotation In School and It Will Always Be