Thursday 25 April 2013

Inspirational Quotation

I like to read and ponder on a good quote. I like mostly inspirational quotes, Sometime or most of the time poetic quotes is a revelation of someone else feeling on a particular event but somehow when we read it , we immediately felt that we can connect to those words and thus recognises the word as our own. When I was younger I have my own favourite quotes or poem to which I use to read and pondered upon and then tried to emulate it in my life. Funny how some quotes or poem can fit in one’s thought and emotion and that goes to show that everyone’s in certain areas of their lives thinks similarly or has gone through the same circumstances as we. Here are some of my favourite quotations;

When I Was In School This is My Favourite Quotation

I like What Cicero Depicted Memory as

This Was One of My Favourite Quotation In School and It Will Always Be

Saturday 13 April 2013

Post Cards Collector

I like to collect post card and the term used for such a purpose is known as Deltiologist, I merely like to collect post cards because I am attracted to the picture of the post cards, like a scene of the town or place I have visited. I started collecting it when I was 12 years old . I remembered my first post card was a salvaged from someone who threw it away as I was attracted to the snowy mountain scene I took it and has kept it ever since. When I grew up I then recognized the scene as the famous Swiss Alps. Now where ever I traveled I make sure that I buy a few post card from that Country. Deltiologist is what you are if you collect post cards and worldwide this hobby is building up. You can learn so much geography and history of a certain place by collecting post card and it is a hobby I will definitely be pursuing for a very long time.

The First Post Card I Collected 'The Swiss Alps'

Collection of Post Cards

Friday 12 April 2013


The place where I lived has got a lot of trees. These Huge trees are tall and maybe 30 years old. It might not be so old but to have a tree in the midst of your sanctuary, you will always be reminded of the stability of it when bad weather came bashing ,that was what happened last week when a mini storm strikes our City , the storm creates havoc and one of the trees came crashing down. This particular tree has got a big trunk and many secondary branches. I read somewhere that tree tends to be long lived but with this one I think there was soil erosion activity because of the heavy rainfall that day that contributes to its untimely demise.

Trees Lining The Road

A Heap of Trunks and Roots After The Mini Storm

Sunday 7 April 2013

Dahlia Plant

One of my favourite plants is the dahlias; I was attracted to this plant with its beautiful flower when my mom planted it. Dahlias plant came with different colours, shapes and sizes. It can be use as a border plant for the low variety or as a stunning display for the tall variety which needs stalking, this type usually produced gigantic flowers and I can never get tired of its beauty. The dahlia plants grow from tuber and its heights range from as low as 12 inches to as tall as 6 to 8 feet. Dahlias plants grow and bloom best in full sun.

Tall Variety of The Dahlia Plant

Low Variety For Border

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Wholemeal Apple Muffin

The other day as I was lazing around the house I suddenly have this urge to eat a muffin. Not any kind of muffin but one that is healthy and delicious. I want something less sweet and high in fiber. Here's the recipe;

Wholemeal Apple Muffin

1 Cups Flour
1/2 Cup Wholemeal Flour
1/2 Cup Bran or Cereal
1 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon or Nutmeg Powder
1/2 Cup Chopped Almonds
1 Cup Skimmed or Low Fat Milk
1 Egg
2 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
1 Cup Cubed Apple (Peeled)
1/2 Cup Mixed fruits

Preheat Oven 190 Degree C. In a big bowl sifted flour and wholemeal flour, mix in the bran or cereal, baking powder, sugar, salt, mixed fruits, spices and nuts. Add in the milk, oil and egg. Mix ingredients until combined. Fold in the chopped apple. Put paper cup on muffin tray and fill muffin cups 2/3 full and bake for 25 minutes or till brown. Mixture will be a bit dense but add in some milk if it's too dry.

Healthy Wholemeal Apple Muffin