Sunday 12 March 2017

Balcony Ideas

It has been  quite a  while  since  I am able to  update my  blog  due to  the  fact that  my computer met with  some  technical  problem and I am  not  comfortable with  updating  through my  mobile phone  and  laptop. I was also quite busy with my daily routine.

I am in the  midst of upgrading  my Condominium balcony and I feel  very  much  excited  about the  outcome ,thus I have been  busy going to the  IKEA store  to  select my table and chairs . This time around, I have chosen dark floor tiles which I think will look more modern and appealing. My ideal balcony will be, to have beautiful plants and shades so that I can go out there to relax anytime I feel like it.

IKEA beautiful hanging baskets

Idea for displaying  plants on the balcony 

Table that I have chosen