Sunday 19 March 2017

My favourite breakfast Kuih

There are a lot of ways to enjoy one breakfast, whenever I am at my mum's place I always look forward to a traditional platter of kuih. My favourite is always the steamed glutinous dough with delicious peanut sauce fillings. It is coloured either red for peanut filling or white for the savoury filling, with white radish. They are both delicious. No word can describe how delicious and uplifting, these traditional snacks are.
Delicious Platter of Traditional Kuih

Monday 13 March 2017

Quaint Cafe

The journey to go back  home  to visit  my mum is  quite  an exciting  time  for  me .On the  way pass  the  high  mountains  you will come  to  this  quaint  restaurant , it is meant for those travelers who needed a  place to ease themselves and to have a little bite before continuing on  their journey .
I always like  to stop by this place and taste their  food, especially like the baked tapioca and butter cakes, it’s delicious and the portion is reasonable .I can’t  wait to make another trip there. This place also serves various  types of fried  noodles 

Delicious  Tapioca  Cake on the  right
Quaint  little  place to stop by for a little bite of food 

Sunday 12 March 2017

Balcony Ideas

It has been  quite a  while  since  I am able to  update my  blog  due to  the  fact that  my computer met with  some  technical  problem and I am  not  comfortable with  updating  through my  mobile phone  and  laptop. I was also quite busy with my daily routine.

I am in the  midst of upgrading  my Condominium balcony and I feel  very  much  excited  about the  outcome ,thus I have been  busy going to the  IKEA store  to  select my table and chairs . This time around, I have chosen dark floor tiles which I think will look more modern and appealing. My ideal balcony will be, to have beautiful plants and shades so that I can go out there to relax anytime I feel like it.

IKEA beautiful hanging baskets

Idea for displaying  plants on the balcony 

Table that I have chosen