Saturday 26 March 2016

Man's Best Friend

They say ‘dogs are man’s best friend, and that is quite true. If you treat your dog well, he will become a loyal friend and helper in time of need. These two are my brother laurance, dog. He told me that the brownish dog is named Immigrant because he just wandered into his compound one day in a really emaciated and dirty condition. My brother’s family took it in and began taking care of the dog. Now he has become part of the family and is very vocal with foreigner. He likes to play around the garden with hiccup, my brother other dog; he was called that because to this day he still hiccupped a lot.

Awesome dog.Immigrant

With Hiccup on the Right

Tuesday 22 March 2016

A Great Personality , Evon

I Have a good friend Lucy, who is also my neighbour. Lucy has got a daughter, she is called Evon. I have known Evon ever since she was a little girl and has seen her growing up into a fine young lady. She is a determined, strong willed and sociable person, and well liked by her friends. Needless to say, she is also a good swimmer and dancer and recently she has acquired a good baking skill, judging from the food that she baked and presented for us to try, I can proudly vouch that she has come a long way to accomplish her baking skill. Her brownies are awesome and so do others pastries that has gained my attention lately. I personally has come to realized that she has really grown up into a fine young lady that would have made any man proud to have her as a girlfriend or that special someone. By the way Evon has got a degree in food science and now she is contemplating enrolling in the prestigious Corden Bleu School of Baking. Well,I think she should pursue her dream if that is what she really wants to do, we don't want to have any regrets later on in life. Armed with a Cordon Bleu Certificate in any disipline , the possibilities are endless, you can set up your own home baking or made to ordered cakes and so on, like many of my friends back home did. I wish her all the best in her future undertaking and Evon, we are always eagerly awaiting your next baked pastries. Below were some of the mouth watering goodies she has baked.

Awesome and Delicious Brownies 

Fruit Tart,Wickedly Delicious

Monday 21 March 2016

My Favourite Cookbook

I like books and recently I have been buying books at 'Book Excess' which sells old hardback cover books. I have a collection of cookery books and I managed to collect a few of my favourite cookbooks written by  Delia Smith, I saw a few of Margurite patten cook books too. My sister Veron has got in her collections a cookbook by Phyllis Powell entitled Teatime Treat. I will be looking out for it as I do like the classic cookery book, I also have a few of The Good-housekeeping books. These are all great reference sources for me.

Full of Delicious English Treats
Recipes Found Inside
Collection of Delia Smith Cookbooks

Sunday 20 March 2016

Josie's Garden,Seasonal Update

From my sister Josie's garden, she has been sending me picture after picture of what she has planted . I can see the transformation of a beautiful garden with her sheer determination. It is a well manicured garden and a flowering one at that. How I wish I could do that as well, but I have to be satisfied with container gardening, I know my sister, she is one that will not give up easily, and gardening is a healthy hobby.

White Roses

Beautiful Glory Bower Plant

Awesome Fern

Saturday 19 March 2016

My Daily Bread

What is my favourite food? well,it depends, I love pastries, but with that comes a lot of unhealthy habits if we are not careful and load ourselves with sugary stuff. I guess we have to take everything in moderation like what my son Jonathan said. I love to bake and these days I bake my own bread, as I feel commercial bread had become too monotonous to eat. I personally would like to have more nuts and fruits in my bread.I usually mix wholemeal flour with a bit of all-purpose flour, lots of nuts and dried fruits , my favourites are, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, apricots, cranberries and raisins. I like to toast my sliced bread and eat it plain or  I will just spread  a little apricot jam on it, yummy.
Proving the kneaded Dough

Doubled in Size then only Bake in the Oven
Freshly Baked Wholemeal Bread
Yummy when Toasted