Monday 21 July 2014

Healthy Burger

I have been more conscious of my health and what I have been eating recently. I have no health problem as far as I know but I tend to eat outside more and that is another trend that I am worried about. My son Jonathan likes to eat his fix of MacDonald Double Cheeseburger at least fortnightly. I often time felt guilty if I were to have a whole burger at any one time thus I made my own burger, it’s as simple as what you see in the pictures. I use a tin of Cilio Barlotti bean you have to drain it, 3 pieces of crushed wholemeal vitabix, ½ Cup of Organic rolled oats, 1 eggs and 1 bombay Onion diced and fried till soft, a bit of seasoning otherwise it will be bland. Put everything into a blender and blend with no water added, it will be tough but as soon as it comes together you just take it out and bind with half cup to a cup of bread crumbs. If the mixture is too dry add in a bit of water. Heat a non stick pan with a little Olive Oil and fry each side till brown and there you have it, a healthy homemade burger to enjoy with wholemeal burger bun.

Crushed Wholemeal Vitabix and Organics Rolled Oats
Fry diced Bombay Onion
 From the Blender you will get this mixture
A Healthy Alternative Burger to Enjoy

Monday 7 July 2014

Nostalgia Shelf and Corners

I thought I would write something about the house we grew up in and the corner of the house that caught our attention always was this shelf, where we neatly arranged some of our displayed items. I am sure my siblings, when they see this, will bring back memories of us who need to take turns to dust the shelf. Unfortunately it was not a very clear picture but it is sufficient to feel the nostalgia. The next picture was of the turntable where we listened to countless good music. I can still recount the many cassettes that we use to arrange on the ledge of the wall. Each one of us like different singer, my brother’s  favourite was Mariah Carey , while Josie was more to Bonnie Tyler ‘Total Eclipse of the heart’  and Leo Sayer .For me it was more to the evergreen oldies and George Baker Selection and rod Steward. My sister Veron was of a different genre altogether I don't recall what she likes to listen to.

Nostalgic Shelf
Family Turntable and Collection of Cassettes
In Room Hand Pump Perfume Bottle