Monday 3 December 2012

Christmas Cookies

Christmas Cookies
The first time I tried to bake some cookies was when I was 12 years old. I remember baking cookies with only basic ingredients like flour, egg and butter. That was why Scottish Shortbread has been always on the list and also Shrewsbury biscuits. We make do with what we could find in the kitchen and the cookies baked very well. When Christmas day came, we then invited some of our friends to the house and we would serve them the cookies we baked. Recently I bake some of my favourite cookies and it still tastes as sumptuous as ever... Yummy… Hmm…

Baking Spritz Cookie with the Presser

Some Coloured Sugars and Hundreds and Thousanth to Decorate with

How it looks like Eventually!

 Delicious Baked Spritz Cookies

Russian Tea Cookies Made into Star Shape