Tuesday 18 September 2012


One of my favourite past time is doing patchwork. I only embark on it when I need a new table runner or cushion cover. I like the pattern to be simple and pleasing to the eye. I used to make big project but I find it to be time consuming and now only do small projects. Recently I have been making this table runner with my 5 x 5 inch charm squares; it was arranged in a simple geometrical order. I think it looks nice. I also went on to make a Christmas bed cover although this was an impromptu act; it was just because I have got the materials and the urge to do it. Patchwork can give you great satisfaction when you can finally let out a sigh of relieve that all has been completed and now you can look forward to displaying it. Great feeling!

A Runner for my table or Armchair

Christmas Patchwork

My Collection of Charm Squares

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