Tuesday 18 September 2012


One of my favourite past time is doing patchwork. I only embark on it when I need a new table runner or cushion cover. I like the pattern to be simple and pleasing to the eye. I used to make big project but I find it to be time consuming and now only do small projects. Recently I have been making this table runner with my 5 x 5 inch charm squares; it was arranged in a simple geometrical order. I think it looks nice. I also went on to make a Christmas bed cover although this was an impromptu act; it was just because I have got the materials and the urge to do it. Patchwork can give you great satisfaction when you can finally let out a sigh of relieve that all has been completed and now you can look forward to displaying it. Great feeling!

A Runner for my table or Armchair

Christmas Patchwork

My Collection of Charm Squares

Monday 17 September 2012

Time Capsule

I have created a time capsule for my son Jonathan when he was nine year old. I thought at that time it would be fun if we opened it at a later date and see what he has put inside the box. I actually bought the pre made time capsule and on it you can have an imprint of your hand or whatever you wish to write before the plaster dried. I think we have done quite a good job with it. I cannot remember what was inside because he is now 16 year old and I think we will not open it until he is married and has got kids of his own. That will be fun. You can also do it yourself with just a metal box and it must be seal completely to keep air and water out which can affect the contents. It does not need to be buried but store it above ground. It is like a time machine and when you finally opened it you will be glad that you have made that connection to your past.

Pre Made Time Capsule

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Photography By Jonathan

My pastime when I was young was to take photographs. I remember the cameras we use and the quality that came with it. Nevertheless, we enjoyed those times and because of that I had a good collection of old photographs.  My son Jonathan takes these nice pictures and I like the setting and background he used. All pictures were taken in the family garden.

Taken at Dusk

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Fruits Season

In our family garden were fruit trees , when the sun is up in the sky and you happen to walk on by and cast a glance upward the trees one would be able to see the magical picture of its fruit dancing in the sun. For most people they see fruits that have been packed and sold in the supermarket or they would have been plucked and ready to be sold. I guess I am lucky to be able to see a real star fruit tree, jack fruit tree and citrus fruit in the garden.

The Star Fruit

The Jack Fruit Tree

Lime Tree Planted by Laurance