Friday 6 November 2020

Christmas decoupage bottles 2020

This week I have been doing some Christmas crafts, Stay at Home nowadays one has to have a very calm, relax and do things altitude to occupied oneself. I then decided to do a long-awaited Christmas bottle decoupage. I have got all the materials and so it’s easy to proceed. I used to save all my Olive oil cooking oil bottles and it thus came in handy. Here are the results of my Christmas decoupage bottles:

My Christmas bottles decoupage sitting prettily

Beautiful Christmas decoupage bottles


Wednesday 4 November 2020

How does my garden grow


This Stay at Home trend has done some good for people of all ages. People have more time to take up their gardening hobby and that is exactly what happened to my family back home. My two cutie pie sisters always post updates on their garden, which is wonderful. Josie’s garden is in full bloom and Veron’s garden is catching on. I am so happy to see their garden grow. I hope they will continue with this uplifting hobby. Here are some beautiful hardy and plants from their garden.

Josie's Bougainvellea

Josie's Colorful Zinnias

Veron's Container gardening

Veron's Bleeding Heart plant

Bountiful fruits

Marilyn's beautiful Orchid


Kuala Lumpur KLCC November 2020

It has been quite a while since I logged into my blog. I have been keeping myself busy with house work and doing things around the house. We are now again faced with the Conditional Movement Controls Order (CMCO) after cases of the Covid – 19 started spiking at some districts here. I only go out once a week for grocery shopping, the road is as free as can be, no traffic jam. KLCC Mall is quite diserted as you can see in the pictures, normally tourists from all over the world flocks to here in normal time. Now time is extraordinary and everyone needs to look over their shoulder for social distancing and masquerading, just in case you’re a crowd.


Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) Void of People