Saturday 19 January 2019

Christmas 2018 Gingerbread Houses

Last Christmas I was in the mood to bake some gingerbread houses despite I haven’t done it for quite a few years. I found that it is quite easy to bake and assemble it thereafter. It was kind of a therapeutic activity for me, sitting there in my kitchen listening to my favourite Christmas music and at the same time thinking about how to decorate the gingerbread houses. I make a few of different sizes to give to friends. I always use the same gingerbread house recipes from Betty Crocker. Needless to say, everyone appreciates my handiwork and I was very happy to know that.

My Christmas Gingerbread houses for Dec. 2018.
This template  is from The Good housekeeping Magazine 2002
A small house for Danielle, jonathan's friend

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