Thursday 24 January 2019

Christmas at KL Supermarkets

We were very fortunate here in Kuala Lumpur, as the Christmas seasons approach the well-known Supermarkets here will import many nice food stuffs for the season. It is mainly biscuits and Italian Christmas breads like the Panettone. There are plenty of imported chocolates and confectioneries as well. It is sometimes very difficult to decide what to buy with so many varieties, we definitely are spoil for choice.  December is my favourite time of the year because everything seems to be beautiful and bright in the malls.

Pannetone, Italian Christmas bread at the Cold Storage Supermarket, KLCC
Christmas Minced Pies
Lovely Biscuit Tins

Saturday 19 January 2019

Christmas 2018 Gingerbread Houses

Last Christmas I was in the mood to bake some gingerbread houses despite I haven’t done it for quite a few years. I found that it is quite easy to bake and assemble it thereafter. It was kind of a therapeutic activity for me, sitting there in my kitchen listening to my favourite Christmas music and at the same time thinking about how to decorate the gingerbread houses. I make a few of different sizes to give to friends. I always use the same gingerbread house recipes from Betty Crocker. Needless to say, everyone appreciates my handiwork and I was very happy to know that.

My Christmas Gingerbread houses for Dec. 2018.
This template  is from The Good housekeeping Magazine 2002
A small house for Danielle, jonathan's friend