Tuesday 22 October 2013

Clam Craft

We had a scrumptious buffet at a leading five star hotel the other day. It served an abundance of seafood and among them was this clam. I had two of it and I couldn’t really tell whether I enjoy chewing on it or not but anyway, the clam shell was what intrigued me as I requested for it to be taken with me when I leave the hotel. They even wrapped it nicely for me. Then the fun begins, I knew I wanted it for my craft. Since it is wide enough to hold my rings and small items, I proceeded to spray paint it Ivory or white. I really like it as it is waterproof, I can now use it to hold small items or I can use it as a soap holder in the bathroom.

The Cooked Clam, the Shell is Awesome for Craft .Below as a Holder for my
Pen Drives or Soap, really like it


Wednesday 16 October 2013

Repurposed Cabinet Door into Clothes Hanger

I have been slow to update my blog because of the on going renovation we were doing to our house. Anyway, it is taking shape now and I am quite satisfied with the outcome. One thing came to mind when doing all these were the thoughts of recycling some of the bathroom cabinet doors. It is still in good condition and the wood was of high quality, thus it was hard and durable. I chose to turn it into a craft of sort, a cabinet door recreated into a clothes hanger or you can turn it into a jewellery display board. It is very easy to do it. I sand the wood panel and then I sprayed paint it with my favourite colour. I have a packet of IKEA white door knobs and I just screwed it into the drilled holes. I cut and glued my favourite wallpaper onto the middle portion and stencilled my name on to the top or you could add an inspirational quote if you like. Maybe my next project I am going to write some inspirational quotes or I will do a distressed wood work.

Used Cabinet Door

Sand  and Sprayed Paint it

Isn't it Beautiful? It Can Be a Clothes Hanger or a Displayed Jewellery Board