Wednesday 9 June 2021

KLCC during M.C.O.3.0

 Since the Covid - 19 Virus is still creating havoc in people's lives, we are advised to STAY SAFE and STAY at HOME. Times that I went out to buy Supplies this is how the KLCC food court looks like. It's voided of people and only a handful of customers come to takeaway food. Wonder how long this uncertainty will last.

Sunday 23 May 2021

My Balcony Garden 2021

 I have been busy with my balcony gardening ever since the Movement Control Order evolved. It has been a great therapeutic thing to do during this unprecedented time. We are still fighting this invisible enemy the Covid - 19. I really hope it is going to be over soon so that everything will be alright again. Anyway, my plants are doing well, and that's something to be happy when I look at it every morning and everyday.

Monday 22 March 2021

Fine China from Danielle

 It's been quite a while since I sign in to see my blog. Things has gotten better here and hopefully everything will soon be as before the pandemic. I have been keeping myself safe and busy at home doing some balcony gardening and some crafting. I'm happy and gladful to receive a nice set of fine China from Danielle, my son Jonathan,'s friend. I think the plates are very beautiful, I like it because it's colorful and charming. Thank you Danielle for the lovely Christmas gift.