Tuesday 12 May 2020

Josie's Hobby

Josie garden is growing very well from the pictures she sent, it is blooming with colours. I guess she is determine to cultivate her plants and the time she put into clearing and beautifying it. During this Stay at Home period everyone is a hobbyist.

Nice Plant
Pastel coloured rose

Maybank Tower Lighted up in Blue

From my Condo balcony I saw this Maybank tower lighted up in Blue showing gratitude to all front-liners  dealing with the Covid - 19 or Corona virus. What an impressive sight and it really touches my heart to see it. Thank you to all our front-liners for your unwaning dedications and sacrifices.

What a sight for all Front-Liners in Malaysia, Maybank Tower lighted up in Blue showing its gratitude

Mother's Day on 54th day of M.C.O.

In the mist of the Movement Control order in Kuala Lumpur, mother's day celebration is being done in the confines of our own lovely home. After 54 days on the 10th of May is also Mother's day. We celebrate happily with a cake and some shortbread biscuit. Dinner is being ordered at one of the Arabic restaurants. Needless to say we enjoyed it all. I hope all activities will gradually return to normal and that we can overcome this pandemic.

Cream Cheese Frosting on my Lemon Cake
My Delicious awesome Mother's Day Sugar Cookies
A Simple Mother's Day Teatime Celebration
Arabic food for dinner