Wednesday 22 April 2020

36 Days of ( M.C.O. ) Kuala Lumpur, experience

36 days of a Stay at Home experience amid Malaysia Movement Control because of the Covid – 19 infectious disease, lives become monotonous but it need to be done. Every day I am in the kitchen whipping up some comfort food. Though not much, but we look forward to see how I fare in my culinary skill each day. I must say I enjoyed my time in my comfortable, warm kitchen, pantry well stocked with all the essential things.

Chef Wan Pancake recipe, yummy
Yogurt Cake

Tuesday 14 April 2020

STAY at HOME during this Coronavirus scare

Suddenly the whole world is thrown into a chaotic doldrums because of a Virus that’s infecting hundreds of people worldwide. It has changed us and more so our life style. Many countries-imposed movement controls of their citizens and social distancing so as to slow the rate of infection, tracing contacts and at the same time deal with those that has already been infected.

In Malaysia we are into our third week of Movement Control Orders. (MCO), only essential services can operate with limited hours. That’s a good thing, all we need to do is STAY at HOME. Our Ministry of Health is doing all it can to contain this Covid – 19 Virus or Coronavirus. Luckily Malaysia has a deligent and hard working DG of Health, Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah. Our frontliners are all working very hard too and I appreciate that very much. 

Quiet Streets during the M.C.O.
Empty road on the way to KLCC
Essential Service
Empty car park at KLCC