Tuesday 10 December 2019

Christmas T Shirt 2019

This year I have decided to design my own Christmas T – shirts and it was fun. I bought the cotton Tees and since I ‘ve got most of the fabric paint, I decided to paint and stenciled it onto the T shirts. The outcome? I really loved it and it will be fun wearing it on Christmas day. It’s easy and you can do almost any designs that you would like to have.
Painting the Christmas Tree
Stenciling 'Merry Christmas'
Here's the Outcome

Monday 25 November 2019

Christmas old Silver bell to a Teal bell

This Christmas bells has been with us for nearly 23 years. As times goes by, the silver colour has almost peeled off and it is still hanging there in my hall cupboard. I finally decided to give it a different colour last week. As I have only gold and teal colour spray, I have decided to give it a unique teal look. Well, it didn’t disappoint, instead I love the new teal coloured bell look too.
My old Christmas Silver bells
Resprayed with a new Teal coloured look

Thursday 21 November 2019

Fruits Harvest Time. 2019

Last fruits Season back at my mom’s place the trees are all bearing beautiful, abundant fruits. There were a variety of tropical fruits and everyone seems to be enjoying the harvests. As usual I am always anticipating which of the trees will grow more fruits, this year is the Longan or Dragon eye fruits. It’s juicy and sweet. The Dragon fruit is also beautiful and so are the rest.
Tropical Fruits from the family garden
Veron and mom admiring the bountiful harvests presented by Marilyn, my sister in - law