Friday 29 July 2016

An Update on Eevonne

From the last posting I did of my neighbour  Eevonne a pretty young lady whose passion is baking, I have received so much more delicious goodies that she has baked. I am proud to say that she has improved a lot more since then, I am going to miss her as she will be leaving to go overseas to take up a culinary course next month.  She is so enthusiastic about this craft that this is another way to improve her technique and confidence,  I wish her all the very best to  pursue her dream in this field. Hopefully she will graduate and come back to start an exciting trend here. By the way Eevonne has got a degree in food science which will come in handy.

Deliciously baked by Eevonne, thank you for the generosity!

Beautiful Floral Print

I am lacking behind updating my blog this month, I have come to the conclusion that whatever comes my way i am going to make the best out of it. So to say, I have been shopping recently and I found out that I really like Floral pants, dresses and scarfs. I really, really admired the Floral print that was sold at the Zara stores here, both for women and men, and I was like going berserk if I see beautiful floral dresses,pants and scarfs. I can't wait to shop at the Primark Stores in London, I bought a few floral dresses from there last year and also from Dorothy Perkin store.

My Collection of  all Things Floral
Jonathan's Men floral Shirt and T-Shirt