Thursday 30 April 2015

Cross Stitch Table Cloths

Cross stitch and crocheting have been my hobbies since young, I used to eagerly finish off a project and then I would give it as a gift to my family members. I have lost count of the craft that I did when one day my sister Josie called me up and told me that she has found some cross stitched table clothes I have made a few years back when I was still in nursing school. I was delighted and asked her to send me pictures of it. Looking back, I wonder why now it is so difficult for me to finish off a project unlike before, but I was grateful I had all these for keepsake.

Wild Flower

Cross Stitch Narcissus Flowers

Thursday 2 April 2015

Nostalgic Things

I have been cleaning my cupboards and Library when I came across some nostalgic booklets with fabulous presentation of pass products. I cannot help but feel drawn to the pictures. As I tenderly recollect those memories, it transported me to the time when all these things were the ‘in things’ and popular then. It was in the 70s and 80s. That era was so much different from now, because now it was all about technology, looking back things evolved and we have to move on with time.

These are Cassette Player Recorder
Classic Television, Love the legs
Platform Shoes ,It Looks Kinda Nice.