Tuesday 6 November 2012

Christmas Tree

I have been thinking what to write; since we are near the holiday seasons, I will write more about it and then runs up to Christmas, how we spend the time getting ready and feeling all excited. Wait, maybe I will write something from my childhood days, I can remember some events very clearly. During those times we had the most memorable moments of our life. Preparing for Christmas when I was a little girl was a very exciting time. A week before Christmas mom would start to look for a Christmas tree and then my dad will be sent to cut the tree from near the seaside. Then we will plant it in a big biscuit tin, I, my sister Veron, Josie and my brother Laurance will be watching my dad doing it. Mom’s favourite was the Poinsettia plant; she always had it in the garden. As we grew up we actually had a real coniferous tree in the garden in front of the veranda, we used to decorate it with the Christmas ornaments and just so we can enjoy the view as we gathered on the veranda for the family Christmas dinner or activities.

Coniferous Tree Surrounded by Poinsettia Plants

During the Christmas Seasons we Decorate the Tree

Another Christmassy Plant

Saturday 3 November 2012

Home Sweet Home

This is my kind of a hideaway, where you drive by rows of sweet smelling pine trees and kind of approaching your holiday home but in this case is my family home, chalet styles. It can be quite humid in this part of the world yet evergreens grow abundantly. Here, it is a bit quiet except for the occasional passing of the long trailers on the highway, about four hundred meters from where we stayed but well hidden by tall ravines and trees. Land aplenty and one can plant and do as they like in their own backyards so to say.

Front Gate Approaching to Home Sweet Home

Lush Evergreen

Even the Grass is Special With Yellow Flower