Thursday 30 August 2012

Top Hits from The USA

These old Vinyls were in the family collections of old records, I recently found out that my mum throw a few valuable Vinyls like when I went back to look for The Led Zeppelins LP and The Shadow Apache LP, I could not find it and when I asked my mum she calmly told me that she had thrown it away because the cover has been infested with red ants. Well, as the saying goes you will not miss it until you have lost it and  here hold true .

Mum's Favourite, Hank Locklin Sings Happy Journey

Saturday 25 August 2012

Russian Mockba

Russian Mockba

Two years ago my friend Lucy had a company trip to visit Russia , I think they visited Moscow and this Mockba was what she bought back for me. I think it was kind of cute and unique as it is in a shape of an egg. On one side was a picture of St. Basil Cathedral and other side shows The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.When I googled for it I can see that both Cathedrals were remarkably beautiful with awe inspiring architectural details. Both cathedrals have several domes and it looks majestically gigantic. I hope I will have the opportunity to visit it in the future.

St. Basil Cathedral

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow

Friday 24 August 2012

Thank You All, Tulip Pictures

I would like to thank my readers from far and near for the interest that they showed to my blog. I hope you all will continue visiting my blog. Below are tulips pictures send to me by my uncle Albert from L.A.

These Tulip Pictures were sent to me by My Uncle Albert Who lives in N Vermount L.A. CA.
                         Uncle Albert Works at Sinai Hospital and Likes to Travel.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Novel By Victoria Holt

These were the novels I used to read when I was younger and I still keep it although it was all frayed up and the pages yellowed with time. I started with Enid Blyton and Barbara Cartland when I was in school .When I was doing my Nursing Training staying at the Nurses Home during off duty I usually go downtown to the public library. I remember reading all the novels by Victoria Holt, I like the suspense and intrigue that her novels churned out, I also like Catherine Cookson and had read most of her novels.

Intriguing Stories

Friday 10 August 2012

Hydrangea Plant

Every visit to my mum’s place would also mean a visit to my brother Laurance house which is just next door. He designed the house a chalet style reminiscent of the many holiday chalets that he used to see. His wife Marilyn, my sister in-law though a career lady has been a keen gardener too. She, as I observed has a green finger for growing the hydrangea plant. I always see this plant blooming abundantly when I go back home and she has got all sorts of exotic tropical plant and flowers surrounding her house which I like to wander along and enjoy the beauty.

Beautiful Hydrangea Flower

Marilyn 's Garden


Tiger Lily Flower

Monday 6 August 2012

Birthday Hi - Tea Buffet

The other day I was looking through some photographs trying to figure out what interesting topic to write up and one photograph caught my attention. It was the picture of my birthday hi tea buffet style. I took a second glance and decided to write something about it. I thought to myself, these were the pastry and cookies I bake myself because I wanted the birthday theme to be an English Hi tea and I thought it must have a certain allure to it. These were what I made and I am so very glad that everyone of my friends enjoyed.

Delicious cupcakes, cookies and Fruit Tarts

Hi - Tea  Birthday Buffet

Home made Cheese Tarts, Scones and Fruit Cake

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Paris City Statues

During our holiday in Paris a few years ago I was fascinated by the City statues, you can see them everywhere on the streets and in the museums. They were stunning and overwhelmingly thought provoking at times. Most of the statues were monumental and imposingly beautiful. Here are some pictures we took;

Side Walk Cafe Near Champs Elysee

Not to be missed, the famous Louis Vuitton Bag